05-24 FDA联合多国机构对非法处方药网站采取行动

2014-05-24 Lachman CONSULTANTS



这是被称为“盘古行动”的持续计划的一部分。“盘古行动VII在邮件机构方面的协调努力的结果是,据称扣押或没收了来自澳大利亚、英国、新西兰和加拿大的19, 618件含有药品的邮包。这些邮包实际上包含来自其它国家的(如印度、中国、新加坡、台湾、墨西哥、老挝、马来西亚,以及澳大利亚、新西兰和英国)未经批准的或疑似假冒药品。”

FDA以及美国边境和海关官员在洛杉矶、芝加哥和纽约的邮件机构扣押或没收了近600件邮包。FDA执法和进口工作办公室主任Douglas Stearn指出,“当消费者从合法的供应链之外购买处方药时,他们无法得知收到的药品是否是假冒的,即使这些药品是合适的剂型包含正确的活性成分。”“如果消费者使用不受管制的药品发生不良反应或未收到治疗效果,他们拥有很少或没有合法追索权。除了健康风险,这些药房会给消费者带来其他风险,包括信用卡诈骗、身份盗窃或计算机病毒。”

所以,你认为网上购买的处方药是安全有效的 — 但是想像并不能成为现实。我的妻子总是说“便宜并不便宜,便宜的代价反而昂贵”,可能会以你的健康为代价。因此,在点击购买按钮之前,花一分钟想想为什么你准备购买的这些产品更便宜,你节约的钱,再想想可能因假药或不合格产品而产生的所有潜在的额外看病费用甚至是住院治疗的费用。有句古老的谚语“一个东西看起来太好,八成是假的”。


Lachman CONSULTANTS - Bob Pollock先生 2014-05-23
编译:识林-椒 2014-05-24

Buyer Beware! That Legitimate Looking Prescription Site May Cost You Your Health
Written by Bob Pollock • May 23, 2014

In a coordinated enforcement action involving the FDA, US Customs and Border Patrol, along with international agencies like Interpol and enforcement and regulatory bodies from 111 countries, action was taken against web sites that "sell unapproved prescription drugs to US consumers."

This is part of an ongoing effort of a program termed Operation Pangea. "Operation Pangea VII's coordinated efforts at mail facilities resulted in the detention or seizure of 19,618 packages containing medicines purportedly from Australia, the United Kingdom (UK), New Zealand and Canada. These packages actually contained unapproved or suspected counterfeit drugs from other countries, such as India, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Mexico, Laos, Malaysia, as well as Australia, New Zealand and the UK."

The FDA and US Border and Customs officials detained or seized almost 600 packages at Los Angeles, Chicago and New York mail facilities. "When consumers buy prescription drugs from outside the legitimate supply chain, they cannot know if the medicines they receive are counterfeit or even if they contain the right active ingredient in the proper dosages," said Douglas Stearn, Director of the FDA's Office of Enforcement and Import Operations. “Consumers have little or no legal recourse if they experience a reaction to the unregulated medication or if they receive no therapeutic benefit at all. In addition to health risks, these pharmacies pose other risks to consumers, including credit card fraud, identity theft or computer viruses.”

So you think the prescription drugs you purchase on line are safe and effective – but thinking that does not make it true. My wife always says “Cheap isn't cheap, cheap is expensive”, and it could be costing you your health. So before clicking on that purchase button, take a minute to think about why the product is cheaper and all the money you are saving – you know the old adage about “if it seems too good to be true, it probably is” - then think of all of the expense of the potential extra doctors’ visits or even hospitalization that could occur from counterfeit or substandard product.

The FDA also provides suggestions on how to identify illegal websites and how to find safe online pharmacies in the piece. Give it a read and provide it to your friends or colleagues to spread the word about the dangers of illegal online prescription sites.
