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FDA 责令波多黎各生育诊所立即停止严重危害健康的重... 2019.11.27

FDA orders Puerto Rico fertility clinic to cease manufacturing immediately for significant violations that pose a danger to health Clinic had significant donor eligibility violations, including donor screening and testing For Immediate Release Nove...

对 FDA 再生医学新监管和执法政策转变的解读 2017.09.14

8 月 28 日,美国 FDA 局长 Scott Gottlieb 宣布了 FDA 对监管干细胞治疗和其它类型再生医学方式的重大转变。详细公告内容我们已于上周五翻译并发布【FDA 局长关于确保对干细胞治疗和再生医学适当监督的新政策措施和执法努力的声明】,主要关注两个平行的优先事项:创建一个新...