但指南文件本身基本上是相同的,FDA指出,ANDA申请中提交杂质限度依据的审评是ANDA技术审评。但 FDA 强调“杂质限度依据”必须与 ICH 杂质指南一致,并且包含在 ANDA 申报资料中,否则将引发 ANDA 的拒绝接收(RTR)。RTR的决定说明FDA已确定该ANDA是不完整的,不能进入实质性技术审评。FDA继续表示:
“具体来说,引发 ANDA RTR 的缺陷包括:(1)未能对在原料药和制剂中特定已知杂质(specified identified impurities)超出界定阈值的拟定限度提供依据;(2)未能对超出鉴定阈值的特定未知杂质(specified unidentified impurities)提供依据;(3)非特定杂质(unspecified impurities)(例如,任何未知杂质)的拟定限度超出鉴定阈值。”
While the Guidance document (here) itself is essentially the same, FDA notes that the review of the justification submitted in the application is a matter for the technical review of the ANDA. But FDA emphasizes there must be a justification that is consistent with the ICH guidance on impurities and that appears in the ANDA, otherwise the deficiencies may be serious enough to cause the FDA to Refuse-to-Receive (RTR) the ANDA. FDA goes on to say:
“Specifically, these deficiencies include: (1) Failing to provide justification for proposed limits for specified identified impurities in drug substances and drug products that are above qualification thresholds; (2) failing to provide justification for specified unidentified impurities that are above identification thresholds; and (3) proposing limits for unspecified impurities (e.g., any unknown impurity) that are above identification thresholds.”
The justification is required to address any of these issues and the FDA has expectations as to what information may be necessary to justify exceeding any limits, including, but not limited to:
(1) the observed impurity levels and proposed impurity limits do not exceed the level observed in the reference listed drug (RLD) product;
(2) the impurity is a significant metabolite of the drug substance;
(3) the observed impurity levels and proposed impurity limits are adequately justified by the scientific literature;
(4) the observed impurity levels and proposed impurity limits do not exceed the level that has been adequately evaluated in toxicity studies.
Impurity issues, including setting appropriate limits, have been an ongoing problem for applicants and in many instances, still cause review problems in the ANDA that result in multiple ANDA review cycles. In this instance, FDA is reminding applicants of the requirement to provide a justification commensurate with the limits they propose at time of filing an ANDA or a supplement for a new strength of a product to avoid the application receiving an RTR letter.