WHO Good Practices for Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories
Key Position Recommendations:
- QCL (Quality Control Laboratories) Staff: Must read to ensure the laboratory’s operations align with WHO guidelines, focusing on accuracy and reliability in pharmaceutical product analysis.
- QA (Quality Assurance) Personnel: Should read to oversee compliance with the guidelines and ensure the quality management system is effectively implemented.
Scope of Application:
This document applies to all pharmaceutical quality control laboratories, including national control labs (NQCLs), commercial labs, third-party contract labs, and manufacturer's in-house labs. It covers chemical drugs and excludes biological products like vaccines and blood products. The guidelines are published by WHO and are relevant to labs globally, including those in Biotech, large pharmaceutical companies, and multinational corporations.
Summary of Key Points:
- Quality Management System (QMS): Emphasizes the necessity for a robust QMS to ensure accurate and reliable results in pharmaceutical quality control.
- Risk and Crisis Management: Highlights the importance of risk management, crisis management, and business continuity planning, especially in the context of unforeseen events like the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Harmonization and Mutual Recognition: Aims to promote international harmonization of good laboratory practices and facilitate mutual recognition of test results.
- Compliance with International Standards: Aligns with WHO GMP guidelines and ISO/IEC 17025:2017, providing detailed guidance for quality control testing of medicines.
- Adaptability and Implementation: Recognizes the need for adaptability in implementing these practices while maintaining an equivalent level of assurance.
Note: The above points are a partial summary. For comprehensive understanding and application, the original document should be consulted.
- QA:负责确保实验室操作符合质量控制要求,监督取样、留样、检验等流程。
- 研发:在设计质量标准和分析方法时,需遵循本文规定。
- 生产:在取样和留样过程中,应遵守本文的详细规定以保证产品质量。
- 实验室职责与布局:明确了质量控制实验室的职责、布局原则和要求,以及人员的组织架构和资质要求。
- 取样与留样管理:规定了取样过程的控制和留样的定义、量、储存要求及记录。
- 物料和产品检验:强调了检验要求,包括待检样品核对、检验、记录和报告书的编制。
- 委托检验管理:阐述了委托检验的原则、应用范围、职责和工作流程。
- 质量标准建立:详细说明了质量标准的设计与制定、审核与批准流程。
- QA:负责确保质量管理体系的实施和监督,建议定期审查和更新质量管理体系文件。
- 生产:确保生产过程符合质量管理体系要求,建议参与设备和工艺管理的持续改进。
- 研发:在产品设计和开发阶段考虑质量管理体系要求,建议与QA紧密合作以确保合规性。
- 质量管理体系概述:明确了质量管理体系的发展、基本概念及其相互关系,强调了高层管理者在质量方针、目标和计划制定中的关键作用。
- 产品质量实现要素:涵盖了机构与人员、厂房设施、设备、物料与产品、工艺管理等关键要素,特别指出了人员培训和设备生命周期管理的重要性。
- 质量保证要素:包括变更管理、偏差管理、产品质量回顾、投诉和召回管理,强调了CAPA系统在持续改进中的作用。
- 质量风险管理:介绍了质量风险管理的职责、模式图、流程和步骤,以及在企业和管理机构中的应用。
- 质量管理系统文件:规定了文件体系结构、生命周期和种类,强调了文件管理在确保质量管理体系有效运行中的重要性。