上述识林报道后,一位同事上网查阅了FDA的员工守则指南9001.1和科学诚信关键原则(FDA's Key Principles of Scientific Integrity),从而对Woodcock局长的解说有了进一步的认识。简言之,就是FDA自视为科学监管机构,视审评人员为科学家,视审评工作为科学考量,并为此提供了一套促进和保护药监局的科学和科学家发展的制度环境。与这位同事交流后,作者也有同感,故将FDA归纳的科学诚信的关键原则中英文内容放在下面,与大家分享。
1. 坚定致力于基于科学的、数据驱动的决策
Maintain a firm commitment to science-based, data-driven decision-making
2. 保护FDA的科学及科学家不受政治影响 Shield the agency’s science and its scientific staff from political influence
3. 促进科学技术信息的自由流通
Facilitate the free flow of scientific and technical information
4. 保护科学数据的完整性并确保其准确表示,包括相关的假设和不确定性
Protect the integrity of scientific data and ensuring its accurate presentation, including the underlying assumptions and uncertainties
5. 要求以公正透明的方式解决内部科学纠纷,包括聆听并认真考虑不同的观点
Require a fair and transparent approach to resolving internal scientific disputes, including hearing and carefully considering differing views
6. 支持对举报人的保护 Support whistleblower protections
7. 选择和提拔科学家,要基于他们的知识、专长和诚信
Select and promote scientists based on their knowledge, expertise and integrity
8. 在可行、适当且符合法律的情况下,对决策中使用的数据和研究进行同行评审
Use peer review of data and research used in decision-making, where feasible, appropriate and consistent with the law
9. 保持开放性,并根据专业知识选择合格的咨询委员会成员,并在利益冲突方面保持透明
Maintain openness and selecting qualified advisory committee members based on expertise, with transparency about conflicts of interest
10. 允许FDA人员公开发表个人的科学或政策观点,即使其观点与FDA的官方观点相左 Allow FDA staff to communicate their personal scientific or policy views to the public, even when those views differ from official Agency opinions
11. 为促进FDA科学家的专业进步,鼓励在同行审评期刊上发表论文和提供编审服务、在专业会议上发言、充分参与适当的可能有利于公共卫生的专业或学术团体及相关活动 Promote the professional development of our scientists by encouraging publication in and editorial service to peer reviewed journals, presentations at professional meetings, and full participation in appropriate professional or scholarly societies and related activities that may benefit the public health